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High-Quality Projects

With robust quality assurance and in-depth risk assessments carried out for every project listed on CPP.Earth, we facilitate informed investments in premium projects in their early stages.

Quality Assurance and Risk Analysis

  • Project risks are assessed on a rating of the main perceived project risk components. This creates a risk-based discounting of annual volumes.

  • Project quality is assessed by an extensive list of project and technology specific aspects. Resulting in a quality profile, enabling investors and PDs to addresses specific vulnerabilities.

  • Satellite image comparison with kml files, using open source APIs will enable claim verification. Providing additional assurance that PDs are undertaking the project as promised.


The focus of the platform is to facilitate investments into early stage projects.

Structuring agreements with projects that have already commenced initial stages will be the most feasible.

Forward purchase agreements are the most common and most desired investment type, and are the initial focus of CPP.EARTH.