Where Climate Investors Meet Carbon Projects

Bridging the gap

From our experience in the Voluntary Carbon Market we know that there is a disconnect between project developers seeking finance to bring their project to the next stage and investors looking to deploy capital.

We are here to help.

How it works

  1. Project developers list their project in any stage of maturity.

  2. Investors can place a bid on a per tonne basis and adjust all bid characteristics.

  3. The project developer can then select which bid(s) best fits their requirements.

Find a project

For investors: Find out which project best fits your demands. You can select a project and request additional information. After confirming NDA you will receive detailed project information. You can then place your bid.

List your project

For project developers: Ready to bring your project to the next stage? List your project by filling out the questionnaire, complete the project developer page, upload pictures and any relevant material you have.

The boring stuff

Legal, fees and KYCs

We have a clear and fair fee structure. Registering on the platform is free and there are no costs to project developers. Bidding will be under NDA and KYC will be undertaken pre signing.